Jonathon Broom-Edwards Assembly
He's back and helping us to improve our focus.
On Tuesday 30th October, Paralympic high jumper Jonathan Broom Edwards visited our school to share an assembly about keeping your brain and body healthy.
During the assembly, Jonathan gave us lots of advice and told us that we should always try to concentrate and be calm with our movement. He talked to us about how to stay focus when we get distracted and he gave us a couple of exercises to try including a breathing exercise.
He also gave us a challenge to ask our parents/carers to sign us up for another activity inside or outside of school.
The last time that Jonathan visited our school he brought in a teddy called Stitch. He was not brought in this time as Jonathan told us he was evolving which means his new name will be Torch from now on.
We really enjoyed the assembly and learnt lots from Jonathan’s advice.
By Corey and Mia, Year 4