Medical Info
We will, where possible, support individual children with medical needs and assist with the administration of prescribed medication.
Children suffering from short-term ailments, who are clearly unwell, should not be sent to school. The administration of prescribed medicines will be for pupils who are:-
- suffering from chronic illness or allergy, or
- recovering from a short-term illness and are undergoing or completing a course of treatment using prescribed medicines.
The administration of prescribed medicines is primarily the responsibility of the parents and carers and as such parents are strongly encouraged to administer medicines to their children outside of the school day. Where this is not possible, i.e. more regular doses are required, school will assist assuming that the administration is routine and straightforward.
The school is unable to administer un-prescribed medicines, e.g. Paracetamol or cough remedies that are readily bought ‘over the counter’. If parents consider that their child requires such medicine during the school day, they are welcome to come in and administer it. Parents should, however, consider whether the child is well enough to attend school.
If it is essential that your child’s medicine is administered during school hours, please hand the medicine at the school office and complete the necessary consent forms (see below). You are welcome to come into school and administer the medicine yourself if you would rather do this.
Please never send medicines that have not been prescribed by the doctor. Do not give children tablets or medicines, including pain relief or cough/throat pastilles, to keep in their bag or coat pocket.
There are two options to ensure medicines are administered safely, parents must advise school of the most appropriate:
- The pupil self-administers their own medicine but someone supervises.
- A trained member of the school staff (voluntarily) administers the medicine.
Please discuss your child’s needs with Mrs Williams detailing when and how inhalers should be used and to sign the consent forms. In our experience every child has different requirements.
The inhaler will always be available for your child to have immediate access to.
If your child is ill in school
Should your child be taken ill or sustain an injury in school, we will endeavour to contact you.
Please make sure that your contact numbers are kept up-to-date. If we are unable to contact you we will take what action we think is necessary, such as taking your child to hospital. Simple accidents are dealt with by us in school and you are informed by an accident report note at the end of the day.
All staff have current First Aid Certificates and many have special paediatric training so there is always someone on the school site with appropriate training.
It is vital that parents update not only home telephone numbers but also daytime contact numbers and other emergency contacts such as relatives to ensure we can always get hold of someone in an emergency.
To avoid spreading illness, please note that pupils should not return to school within 48 hours of the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.