Dream On Performance
Y5/6 end the year with a dreamy love story.
On Wednesday 10th of July, Year 5 & 6 performed their Shakespearean play Dream On. The play (based on A Midsummer’s Night Dream) tells three different love stories and how they all come together.
In the play, the Duke and Duchess are getting married and they want some entertainment from a group of mechanicals. Two pairs of lovers turn against each other but resolve their complicated love story towards the end of the play. The King and Queen of the Fairies dislike each other at first but end up falling in love and marrying one another at the same time as the Duke and Duchess.
We all had a great time performing the play and it was great to see so many children singing solos as well as part of a group. It was also great to see the Year 6’s performing their final play at GHF and they did an amazing job.
By Toby S, Year 6
They most certainly did and we are very proud of them! Click here to see the photo album.