Christingle Day
GHF takes part in Christingle with the Children's Society.
On Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th of December, KS2 and KS1 had their Christingle services. In the morning before the service, we all created our Christingles. First, we collected our oranges to represent the world God made. Secondly, we put red ribbon around the orange to represent Jesus’s pain and to remind us that he died. After that, we put sweets and raisins onto cocktail sticks to represent the gifts of the world and stuck them on the four compass directions to represent the four seasons or the four corners of the world. Next, we put a candle in the middle of our orange which is to remind us of Jesus and that he is the light of the world.
By Alicia, Year 5
The KS2 service was held in St. Sebastian’s Church and it was absolutely packed with children, parents and grandparents. The singing was beautiful and everyone gasped when we lit some Christingles for a procession through the church. The KS2 children also helped the infants with their Christingle Service in school on the last day of term. It was the first time Reception and Y1 children had seen a Christingle so they were very excited. Again the children sang beautifully and it was a lovely service.
The candles and ribbons for our Christingles were kindly provided by the Children’s Society and all of the money raised through the Christmas performance raffle will be donated to them. You can find out more about the good work they do here.