Arts 'Love of Literature' Week
GHF officially launch the new library during Art's Week.
During the first week of term, the school got involved in a range of different art projects that were based on books written by The Gruffalo author, Julia Donaldson.
Years 1 & 2 made storyboards and clay tiles based on ‘Room on the Broom’, Years 3 & 4 made papier Mache snails and whales based on her book ‘The Snail and the Whale’, and Year 5/6 made Gruffalo origami and wrote play scripts of the book. We also performed The Gruffalo story together.
We all really enjoyed art week and it was the spark of Julia Donaldson’s stories that inspired our unique art which can be seen on display boards throughout the school.
By Carys, Abigail & Alicia, Year 5
Click here to see our Library Launch and Arts Week photo album.
Following Arts Week, we have some incredible displays of the wonderful sculpture work and writing, which parents enjoyed viewing on our Open Evening recently. We also presented our recording of the whole school (all 335 pupils and including those in Reception classes) reciting The Gruffalo by heart in full.
This was part of our official launch of our brand new library and the children have taken home their first loans! My new office is right next to the library, with huge windows between the two, so I get wonderful views of all the children’s excitement when they come to get their library books. Some children have been so excited that they have read their books the same night and are back for new ones the very next day! They are keeping our busy volunteer library assistants very busy and their love of reading is just what we hoped for.
Mrs Stylianides
The library is also open after school on Mondays and Wednesdays so that pupils can come with their parents to change their books.